got a tablet pen, so i'm back to making sleepless. it was hard starting back, and i redid like i crap load of rethinking and editing for the beginning of the episode. oh and a slew of concept art. be ready to see a lot of extra's for epidode 2. its gonna be crazy. you should check some others sleepless based art too. like this one kittys/raesha-for-sci-fi
i love her version of raesha. also check out cturne/ascent-into-megalomania
its a commision for Ascent
if you havent watched sleepless yet, please do, and check out the trailer on my page, and extra's mite make your day a bit brighter.
if you like sleepless you should check out this guy...he owes me a commision 2 btw.
btw saw 9 this weekend. it was dissapointing. wish i would of saw gamer
Looks like the cover of the Issues album by KoRn! NEATO!
ha yeah i know what cover you mean